Recognizing and Requesting Transparency in the College Classroom

Black boxes are useful in a model system or the research we do as we work to understand the world.  In those cases, the ‘unknowns’ are exciting and they represent what we are working to ‘know’.  However, when it comes to what is expected of you as a learner in your classes, there should NOT… Continue Reading Recognizing and Requesting Transparency in the College Classroom

Do well on finals AND retain knowledge: Strategies for short and long-term success

Many of us have experienced that doing well on an exam, may not mean all that information we used to successfully answer the questions on the test is retained. Both remembering and forgetting are physiological processes likely driven by the need to prioritize bits of the massive amount of information to which we are exposed.… Continue Reading Do well on finals AND retain knowledge: Strategies for short and long-term success